I wish I could say I had not updated because I have been isanely busy rubbing elbows and sweating it out in 12 hour rehearsals. But alas, I was stricken by sloth.
Rehearsals are going well for A New Brain, which opens next Friday. Great cast. Great directors. I enjoy myself every single time I am there.
After that is done, I get a short break, during which I hope to get some work done with Fortner, and then I leave for PA to do The Sunshine Boys at the Gretna Theatre. I come back at the end of July and either start work on Everyday Somewhere Here which was postponed from the spring OR, if the fates should be kind, I start rehearsals for the Evita tour which auditions next week.
This one, I would kill for. I usually go in non-chalantly at auditions and just do what I need and leave and forget about it. Wasting emotional energy worrying about what I did or whether I will get the part is silly. I am either what they are looking for or am not. But this tour….I want….BAD. So we’ll see what happens.
Winter is dying away and I am totally in awe at all the green things popping up here and there. Don’t really get to enjoy that process in FL since we have hot, lukewarm, and coolish for our seasons. But seeing trees explode with leaves and flowers blooming is tres cool. I wish I had a cam to take pictures of it all because there truly are some gorgeous sites.
Tis the simple things.
Only four rejections so far on the book queries, which was expected, so now I wait some more and then send out when all 8 get back. Working on some other projects in the meanwhile.
That’s pretty much my life right now. If I won the lottery, I would be ecstatic, but in a city of 8 million I have a better chance of getting chlamydia.
I think that is how it’s spelled.