Category: Uncategorized
Oh, Keith O.
Why even have bothered with the second to previous post when this man just does it SO friggin’ well.
This is only temporary…I like it a lot…but it has its limitations that I do not like. It’s just an inspiration sounding board for now until I get off my…
What? A Scoring Controversy? In Gymnastics? Um..duh…
Well, well, well…looks like my assumptions were not too far off base: E.M. Swift: Finally, proof that gymnastics scoring needs an overhaul These people need to get their act together…
The China (American) Syndrome
So, four years ago, commentators bandied about the phrase “The China Syndrome” when discussing Chinese gymnasts who just fell apart under the pressure of competing. Fast forward 4 years to…
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes, the Sequel…
Ok, I bit the bullet and I transferring to WordPress which means changes, and slow ones at that, are ot be expected over the next week or so as I…
Should I Move on Up?
I can feel it now. I have avoided this for many, many years after my first unsuccessful attempt to integrate a new blog system for my blog. I feel the…
These Colors Don’t Run
Well, this is by far the longest hiatus that I have taken from my blog since it’s inception oh so many years ago, but today seemed like the right day…
Ha Ha….Sucks for You
So the resolution passed. And now we wait for a full house vote. As expected Bush and Rice are shitting in their pants, Turkey is whining and pissed off, and…
Bush and Rice Should Suck It
The Armenian Resolution So I have been following a series of articles about the House resolution calling for the recognition of the mass Armenian killings in Turkey at the turn…