And so week 1 came to an end and my time with the intrepid trio, and Carla, and Kareem (our musician/sound dude). Things were just starting to rev up and we found ourselves with no more time. It’s the nature of the R&D, I suppose. You start from zero and explore and talk and question and then when you finally get your head wrapped around things the time is up.
But I have a suspicion that it was better to get out while the getting was good before things started setting too concretely. The synopsis seemed to go over well and elicited the right kinds of gasps and reactions. It feels properly Greek and Middle Eastern while being relevant and timely.
The trick is going to be taking a traditional narrative synopsis and finding a way to mess with the form to match what I have in my head with the marriage of movement, music, and text. It’s about trying to blend the inner thoughts, the omniscient ones, and the naturalistic moments without it seeming like a gimmick or just for the sake of being ‘cool’. Though, come on, live looping is cool as hell.
But I get it – it has to make dramatic sense. Even if other productions haven’t played by that role….
I sadly had to leave early for a work obligation but we covered a lot in the 4 hours we had together, playing around with moments from the synopsis and trying to blend some movement and music with the results of another round of Hot Seating.
But I’ve finished out this final week with a strong sense of these characters and the story. And now it’s about writing a bunch of scenes and bringing them back in a months’ time to see what speaks to everyone and what seems like the logical material to be presented for the sharing.
And then…who knows…who knows.