I signed into Blogger and got to the post page and realized I don’t really have anything to say. The summer is slow and hot. I can’t seem to get myself out of the bedroom, but at least I have managed to start writing again. Finished three short stories in about four days and now I edit and rewrite like any good writer. If these sell to magazines (please….someone) then I can use that to get representation and build the other short stories for a collection. I think that is the route I want to go. I would rather my sophomore pub be a novel instead of falling under the dreaded second novel curse (knowing fully well that there will be a second novel no matter where the first one comes in).
The jobs are steadily holding for now although I know the shoe will drop at any moment and am desperately trying to find other work to do before I have to start selling off more personal belongings.
I have nothing politically or socially savvy to say (altho some would say I never had to begin with to which I say…eff you).
Have a lovely week. Stay cool. Feed a pigeon.