This man is suffering a delayed quarter-life crisis generated by his inability to keep his dick in his pants and by a severe lack of maturity in dealing with being a father with a family to look after and a spouse with whom he needs to just patch it up with. Find your ballsack, man.
Watching their “announcement” episode and I am floored by his reasons which run the gamut from “I’m 32 and I have my whole life ahead of me” to “I have feelings, too.” Seriously, now? He is acting like he is still in college fucking around with people way younger than he is and acting like a senile lothario with erectile dysfunction that has spread to his brain.
This is not to say that Kate is a saint because she can be a harping shrew every once in a while, but this is clearly a case of a strong vs weak personality. When those kids grow up they are gonna be so pissed at Daddy for being a raging moron.