Yes…I know…I take too much time in between blogs.
New York and an acting career are busy things to manage.
Ok, some recent things in the last week have just pissed me off as a human being and I had to blog about them:
I LOVE watching the Olympics. My DVR hates me for it as I managed to cram as MUCH as possible so I can catch events that I miss while I am out or sleeping. However, this year I am vehemently against the Olympics being held in China. I really don’t care about all the technological, industrial and “social” progress that the country has made. It does not deserve to host an event that is about equality when it has the most rigid borders set for its citizens. I mean, for God’s sake, they block certain Internet sites so as not to incite the minds of the people. They are a country of automatons run by megolomaniacal politicians with SERIOUS Napoleon complexes. Now, don’t get me wrong. My ire is not directed at the people, as there have been those brave enough to be subversive and speak out about this hypocrisy on top of the other shite the country tries to hide. It is fully focused on the government and those in control. As dictatorial and puritanical as America might be, China takes the cake and dangles it over its people.
What leads to this tirade is the recent visa denial of several athletes because of their efforts with Team Darfur, an athlete-driven group that has advocated for an Olympic truce and peace in Darfur, a war-torn region of Sudan. But because China has ties with Sudan, and because China is guilty of the same damn thing, they denied the athletes entry into the country and therefore entry into the games. First of all, who the hell do they think they are? And, secondly, how the HELL is the IOA allowing this. Who the hell allowed a majority vote for the games to be held in China. I don’t care how ancient and exotic the country may be. It is rabidly hypocritical for the games to take place there.
Some people want to demonize the atheletes for trying to turn the games into a political platform, but they were not walking around with signs or staging sit-ins. They don’t oppress Tibetans. They don’t keep their people ignorant of the world around them. I am an anal retentive so am impressed with their organizational abilities, but any idiot manning a Staples could organized something given the time (I am reminded of the chimps and Shakespeare scenario).
Now this don’t mean I will be taking an oath of Olympic celibacy, but this doth not maketh me happy.
The New York MTA
Can kiss my ass. Aside from Italy and maybe the UK, New York has the WORST and most poorly organized subway system. The printed schedules they hand out to newbies and tourists is laughable as any New Yorker who has lived here for at least a year, even six months, will tell you that those schedules are nowhere near accurate.
They raise hikes and soak up tax money so they can provide slower service, trains with no air conditioning, and changes in service with little to no notice or explanation.
This past week alone I have been the victim of:
1) Waiting for a downtown train for as long as 20 minutes (during daylight hours) as several uptown trains pass me by.
2) Had my hopes up for a downtown train that only blows its irritating horn and passes through the station without stopping and for NO reason.
3) Service changes whilst on the train announced by some slackjawed trog who can’t ennunciate which leaves riders confused and stuck on a train that starts skipping stationgs…for NO reason.
4) Train rides in sweltering temperatures. There is a serious problem when the temp outside of the station is cooler than in the train. The MTA is hurting for a lawsuit from some parent whose child suffers from heatstroke or fatigue. I mean, you can’t be serious about not making sure all the trains are sufficiently kept cool in the sweltering summer heat.
I don’t know what the MTA thinks it is doing, but perhaps they could look into improving current conditions before they start trying to build a new line on the east side or trying to turn a huge postal office into the new Penn Station. If you want to raise the hikes, give us something in return.
So it is not surprise that I am a fan of So You Think You Can Dance. I am so obssessed that I found and downloaded the Australian version, which is quite odd to say the least. This season was, without a doubt, the most incredible display of dance and choreography and I loved every minute of every episode.
But it seems to me like there be some shady dealings going on. Starting with the kicking off of Will due to murmurs of favoritism, which makes no sense considering Debbie Allan had nothing to do with any judging. And the finale tonight just proves that American voters, in general don’t know shit about dance and are easily duped. Yes, I know the show is not about voting for the technical best. I doubt 95% of the viewers could spell pirouette let alone know what the hell that is. But what angers is me Katee not winning in favor of someone the show kept touting as an untrained hip hop dancer (Joshua), now any idiot could see that boy has had training. And for God’s sake, in his little bio video last night he takes about cleaning out the studio he studied at in exchange for free classes. One of the judges the night they chose the top 20 even pointed it out. Look at the auditions, specifically Mia’s audition sequence. He does a brise, and perfectly. NO untrained dancer can do that. The final nail, for me, was the Russian Trepak. The boy did turns a la seconde and tours en l’air….no untrained hip hop dancer has the technique to do that let alone fake it. Why bother lying about it? I am not saying he was not a great dancer, but it just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
I can’t imagine someone like Katee, Will, Kourtnee and Matt won’t have careers (the last two especially who were voted off WAAAAY before they should have been) and maybe they will be better served as respected in the community by not having won or gotten too far, but it’s a slap in the face of someone who spends so many years training to be thrown over for someone with personality and little to no ability.
Now, I am off to find the Canadian SYTYCD episodes as I did not know Blake was a judge on it being as gay as he is, despite claiming heterosexuality as his bag. Right….