Ok, the site is slowly but surely coming together. As soon as all the little tidbits are done, then I will get to work on sidebar widgeting and adding fun stuff – really for my pleasure more than anything else.
Over the last two days I have almost committed random acts of violence on people in the city. I am astounded by people who don’t understand the concept of MOVE YOUR ASS whilst walking. And I am not just talking about the tourists who frankly should just have their own lane – preferrably down the middle of a busy intersection.
If you want to walk slowly, get to one side or the other of a sidwalk. And it’s always the old or handi-capable that HAVE to walk right down the middle. And woe betide the pedestrian faced with those travelling in a group who elect to spread out across the entire sidewalk.
Really now?
At one point a woman just kept shoving up against me, so I turned around, and in my sassy quai-Arab-cum-ghetto way said: BACK OFF OFFA ME!
I swear, any closer and she would have been inside my rectum.
You would think that after a year and 5 months I would be used to this, but someday soon Tony is going to have to bail me out of jail for multiple pedestrian homicides.